by Judy & Linda
Today involved yet another surgery. As a result of reviewing yesterday's CT scane, the neurosurgeon felt is was important to reduce the pressure on the brain from excess cerebrospinal fluid, so he decided to insert a drain right away. Although we reported in yesterday's post that he wanted to put in a stent--which actually should have been referred to as a shunt (thanks to Gordon Bucher for the clarification!), he decided that we may or may not to have that procedure done. In his step-by-step approach, Dr. Kachmann (Rudy) felt the next step should be relieving that pressure and monitoring the output and nature of the fluid that is drained. It still may be possible that she will need a shunt, but it is also possible that she will not.
Carl and Judy were notified as soon as they arrived in the morning that this surgery would be taking place. It was necessary for Doreen to move back into intensive care to monitor the drain, so the family and the nurses needed to move all the "stuff"out of the room in which Doreen has been over the last week. Nothing is allowed in intensive care, so things were transferred to the car. Linda and Lee arrived at the hospital almost at the same time as Dorren being placed in the new ICU room. We were all very pleased to see Doreen somewhat awake and responsive, although that responsiveness increased as the afternoon went on. Over the course of the evening, Doreen began to ask whether it was good or bad that we wanted to get her back to feeling normal. She also talked about all the things that she thought should have been added to the broth she was given in order to make it tastier. It is probably important to note the mandarine oranges entered the conversation again!
It is unclear how long the stay in the ICU will last this time. There have been hints at a day or two all the way to 5 or 6 days. We do know that she will not be released from the hospital on Monday as was suggested earlier. For the second time in the past three days, she joined in the good-night song we have been singing together many of the evenings--All Night, All Day, Angels Watching Over Me, My Lord. This journey is not all over yet, but we are taking "baby steps." We are encouraged with the returning sense of humor and Doreen's increasing ability to enter into the flow of conversation, even if it is somewhat subdued. We go to bed tonight with lighter hearts and revitalized hope. We look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.
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