September 20, 2008
by Judy
On Saturday Judy, Daniel, and Carl visited Doreen. They discovered that Doreen had a new hairdo. Doreen said that she had her hair cut a couple of weeks ago, but Carl said Saturday was the first time he saw the style. Which one was accurate? Only her hairdresser knows for sure…
Doreen's intestinal challenges continued, but the elevated temperature was gone. She did have several tests on Wednesday. The nurses said that the only thing that was found was a urinary tract infection (UTI). They explained that UTIs in the elderly can have lots of other impacts, many of which Doreen showed. In addition, one nurse explained that the move away from the tube-feeding also could result in some of the intestinal discomfort. So hopefully things will improve as Doreen's body adjusts!
Because some of the therapy sessions were cancelled during the week due to Doreen's exhaustion and discomfort, she had some sessions on Saturday. Some happened before the family arrived Saturday, and the report was that she had worked hard. Later in the afternoon, the family watched as she rode a bike. It is a machine that can measure how much work is being done by each leg. The challenge is for the rider to make the bars on the display even. Doreen rode for 20 minutes. The substitute therapist was surprised that it looked like the left leg was stronger than the right. She thought that Doreen had a stroke that had affected the left side. Judy explained that the event was a brain hemorrhage rather than a stroke, and that Doreen had alternated between the right side and the left side being stronger from one time to another.
Then Doreen sat in her wheelchair, put her hands on her knees, leaned forward, and tried to lift a leg to move the foot in and out a few inches. It was hard work, and she tried to use her hand to help now and then, but there is definite progress occurring!
The discussion with the therapist seemed to lead Doreen to need to talk again about what had happened to her. So she and Judy discussed the brain hemorrhage again. We have all learned a lot about the issues, but this stretches the understanding of all of us!
Saturday's food request was Wendy's, so Daniel and Judy brought in food, and the four ate together in Doreen's room. She ate well, but not much, because she was dealing with some stomach cramps and didn't want to overdo it. At supper, Carl sat with her and helped her eat. The appetite stimulant has been discontinued, though, because the problem doesn't seem to be appetite any more. Unfortunately, some gagging has reoccurred, but hopefully that is just temporary.
(FYI: the Myers-Bowman family will be traveling to N. Manchester for MC Homecoming festivities on October 10-12. We'd love the opportunity to see friends during the day on Saturday. We're hoping to get there in time to hear Daniel and the A Capella Choir on Friday night. We'll also be spending time with mom in Ft. Wayne and trying to visit my new grand niece!- Clay)