Tuesday, September 2, 2008
by Clay
Karen, Cameron, and I returned late last night from a long weekend in Indiana. Our primary activity was to drop Daniel off at Manchester College for the start of his first year. We also spent lots of time with Carl and Doreen. Karen and her sisters are working on getting a much more thorough update, but I thought I'd give you a few observations, for a change.

The other highlight (two really) was Doreen's appetite. I'm sure Karen will have a much more detailed account, but on Saturday, we brought in food from Taco Bell and ate with Doreen in a conference room. She exhibited a tremendous zeal in eating her chicken taco salad, chips, and cinnamon crisps. On Sunday, the family ordered Chinese food and ate together in a room adjoining the one from the previous day. The photo here is Daniel helping mom with balancing her food on the spork (a nearly useless utensil when eating a salad).

Talk about zeal!!! Doreen seemed to attack the noodles and other food with abandon (exhibiting little of her former decorum). According to Karen, her sisters, and Carl, they've not seen Doreen eat so much food since the hemorrhage.

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