July 24 & 25
by Karen
These two days have continued the roller coaster loop-d-loops. On Thursday morning we learned that the rehab team had determined that Mom needed to move to an acute care center. They had a hard time making the decision, but felt that her medical needs should receive top priority at this time. They told us that they hope she will return to the rehab hospital once the medical problems have stabilized - in a few weeks - to continue the progress she has been making. However, we would rather see her go into Timbercrest as the next step, if at all possible, so she and Dad are at the same place and to eliminate the drive from North Manchester to Fort Wayne.
Mom continued to complete 3 hours of therapy on Thursday, and those sessions continued to be successful (other than the vomiting episode during occupational therapy this morning). She walked 20 feet again today with the walker and the PT. The therapist remarked that Mom was relying less on her for balance and support - another bit of progress.
We took Mom to her check up with Dr. Kachmann (the neurosurgeon) Thursday afternoon. He was pleased with what he saw in her CT scan from Wednesday. He saw evidence that the shunt is working correctly and found nothing to concern him regarding her healing from the surgeries. This was good news. We were hoping to get some advice from him about her future treatment, but he clearly does not enter into that part of his patients' care.
Friday was move day. Mom was transported from the Rehab Hospital to Progressive Hospital of Fort Wayne at about 9:30 this morning. She rode in a wheelchair-accessible van. She seemed to tolerate the move well, until we transferred into her bed in her new room. At that time, she had a gagging incident. (Not such a great way to start her stay in a new facility.)
Once we were "settled" into the new building, not much happened today - no therapy or other sessions. Instead, we filled out lots of paperwork and retold the story again and again of Mom's journey since May 29. It was a difficult day for Dad and me. We had the distinct feeling that we were moving backwards instead of forwards. She is back in a hospital gown. No one was encouraging her to do things for herself. She was allowed to use the bedpan, rather than getting up to a bedside commode or to the bathroom. No therapists were encouraging her to eat or walk or use her vision, etc. A new doctor with many questions and no history with Mom and her needs. After two weeks of the rehabilitation focus, this felt odd to us. However, it seemed that it was a bit of a reprieve for Mom, at least for today. She showed relief at the opportunity to not work hard. That's understandable!
Mom welcomed the visits from Robin and Jeanette Lahman and Darlene and Gordon Bucher today. They all remarked that she was more alert and interactive today than they had seen her before, even a few days ago. We agree that she has been awake more fully and more often over the last few days. This is probably a result of the medications they are giving her, which also make it hard for her to sleep at night. Therefore, the doctor at Progressive is going to try a different medication to attempt to correct for this issue.
The address for sending Mom cards is now:
Doreen Myers
c/o Progressive Hospital of Fort Wayne
2626 Fairfield Ave.
Fort Wayne, IN 46807
For those of you coming to visit from N. Manchester, here are driving directions:
As you enter Fort Wayne from Rte. 24, go past the Lutheran Medical complex to the next stoplight. Turn right on Engle. You will need to follow Engle for 5 miles or so until you come to a "T" at Bluffton. Turn left onto Bluffton and follow it around a park to Broadway - turn right. Get into the left lane immediately so you can turn left onto Rudisill. Go to the third light and turn left onto Fairfield. Progressive Hospital is about half a mile farther, on the corner of Fairfield and Pontiac. It is on the lefthand side of the street. Turn in the driveway past the hospital and drive around to the west side of the building to park and then enter through the main doors. A receptionist will greet you at the front desk, ask you to sign in on a visitor's log and give you visitors'tags. Mom is in room 216.
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