June 16
By Linda
Today Karen tagged me as Parent Companion and went back to Kansas for a few days. After being away from Mom and Dad for 10 days, I find a few changes. The general atmosphere in the rehab hospital is less formal and rooms are sunnier which in turn makes for an encouraging and more hopeful spirit than in the neuroscience section of the larger hospital. Mom's hair on the right side of her head has grown to about a half inch and the surgical incisions are far less apparent and are healing nicely. Her cheeks are rosier and, even though she is often cat napping, she is occasionally able to participate and engage in conversations and therapy.
Unfortunately, many of our frustrations are the same. We don't get to see the neuorologist face to face (vacation, early morning calls, etc.) so we do not get the big picture. Therapy sessions are scheduled for half an hour to accomodate Mom's limited tolerance but two therapists might schedule their visits back to back. That means she still may fall asleep of wear out very quickly during the sessions she need in order to gain more strength. The nutrition issues are still difficult. She is receiving nutrients through an IV but who in the world wants to drink thick water (I can't even imagine getting it down) and the high level of dextrose sugars is throwing off her blood sugar levels. And Dad is constantly searching for the positive side20of situations where the negative impact is easier to see. Every decision seems to bump into another---dominos bumping over other dominos.
But we are encouraged by simple things. Mom worked with the occupational therapist to figure out how to take off and put on of her own knit shirt. This is a refreshing step forward from wearing hospital gowns. After having a very rocky start to the mrning today where she did not keep her breakfast down, a new medication (Zofran?) is working now to keep her stomach settled so she ate 5 bites of supper last evening. She sang Ämazing Grace" with the speech therapist.
Dad's two brothers arrived this evening for a visit which lifted his spirits immensely. It is difficult for him to want to engage in any activity besides sitting with Mom in the hospital and the more light-hearted diversion over supper was wonderful. The three brothers told boyhood stories and razzed each other and things seemed fairly "normal" for a few hours. They will all visit in Ft. Wayne with Mom tomorrow.
We approach each day with hope. We do what we can do. We take one step at a time on this challenging journey.
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